Have you recently upsized? Moving into a larger home can be an exciting transition. But you may have discovered you suddenly have a lot more space to fill. While it can be fun to daydream about how you’ll use all this new space, you also need to be realistic about how much money and time you have available. Here are some great tips to help you figure out how to deal with all that empty space.

Wait until you’ve closed

Once you’ve found a home you love and made an offer, it can be tempting to hit the stores. But don’t buy anything just yet. There are many ways that a home sale can go south, and you don’t want to be stuck with furniture you don’t have space for. Wait until the house is officially yours before making any big purchases.

Think long term

After living in a smaller space for many years, you may be anxious to use all of your new space as soon as possible. But remember – chances are you’ll be in your new home for some time. There’s no need to rush into anything. Take time to get to know your new home, and see what it’s like to live there. You may have ideas about how you’d like to use a spare bedroom when you move in. But after a few months, you may change your mind. Have some patience, and know that you’re in it for the long haul.

Don’t overspend

We all want our homes to look Pinterest-perfect. But are you willing to go into debt for that privilege? Buying a home is a serious investment. If you’ve upsized, chances are your bills have increased as well. Don’t put yourself in a precarious financial position just to get new furniture for your home. And don’t rule out the beauty of secondhand furniture.

Don’t be afraid to change things up

Moving into a new place gives you a chance to change things up. Just because you’ve always used that one chair in the living room doesn’t mean you can’t move it to a different place in the house. Give yourself permission to change things up, especially when you first move in.

Concentrate on the most important spaces

Maybe you’ve chosen to upgrade to a larger house because you’ve always wanted a craft room. Or perhaps you’re excited to turn your basement into a home theater. While it can be fun to daydream about those spaces, you should first concentrate on the rooms where you spend the most time. Get your main living area and your bedrooms into great shape before moving on to the rooms that won’t be used as often.

Have fun

Most importantly, it’s time to have some fun! Buying a bigger house can be a dream come true, and you’re still allowed to daydream about it after you’ve moved in. Take time to visualize how you want to use each space, how you’d like to decorate, and how you want to live in your new home. Turning your home into your dream home means knowing what you want. If you give yourself time to daydream, you’ll be ready to transform those empty spaces without hesitation when the time comes.

If you’re just getting started thinking about upgrading to a larger home, give us a call. At Norhill Realty, we have extensive experience assisting our clients with the transition from their 1st home to their next home. If your ready to get started on your future, feel free to call us at 713-869-5700 or fill out the form below and a knowledgeable agent will reach out to you.


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