Let’s face it: the last thing you want to do on a beautiful spring day is stay inside with a dustpan and broom. So, what better time to get your home organized than winter? February is still about fresh starts, and you can make it into the beginning of a new house as well as a new year by resolving to get your space organized.

Here are some tips to help you on your journey:

  • Start small – For many people, the question isn’t “should I get organized?” but rather “where do I start?” If you’re feeling slightly overwhelmed by the monumental task, then scale it down and start with little things. Make one goal a week, and forget about the rest until you’re ready to address it. Whether it’s to get your master bathroom organized or to clean out your coat closet, even just having a goal in mind is a big step toward success.
  • Make organization into a habit – Taking an extra step to hang a coat instead of throwing it on a chair isn’t difficult, so why do so many people do the latter? Habit. Now is the time to recognize and address any “messy” habits. For some people, that means going after all of the habits at once, while for others it’s best to go one by one. Even if it’s something small like always putting dishes in the dishwasher after eating, rather than letting them sit in the sink, changing small parts of your day can add up to a huge difference in the look and feel of your home.
  • Get the clutter out – Shoving things into a closet isn’t going to work forever, and sooner or later you’re going to have to find somewhere else to put things. In this case, you can get the extra space you need without having to throw away cherished belongings by putting these things into storage.
  • Reward yourself – Just because you’re the one setting goals doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a reward when you do well. Write down your goals, the target dates to achieve them, and the rewards you’ll give yourself when you do. Whether it’s a nice dinner out, a new article of clothing, or anything else, giving yourself something to look forward to could be the motivation you need to get things done.

Follow these tips, make some of your own, and by the time warmer weather rolls around, you’ll be all done and ready to get out and enjoy some sun.

Harry James Briers represents Zippy Shell West Houston, a trusted and reliable provider of solutions for portable storage in Houston.